H Mom and Dad!
Our 2 invest who will be baptized on Saturday have been going through some trials.They are way cool though and even work with us sometimes which always makes meeting new people a little easier.
We met another lady named Shane on Friday who is from Iloilo as well and it just makes me so happy to hear the Ilonggo language here in Aklan. I understand most of what she says and she understands me. It's so nice! Nanay Bhing is trucking along in her study of the gospel and she has been introducing us to new people to teach and they also came to church yesterday. These blessings are just piling up right now its been way nice :) But it does take a lot of work and patience making everything fall into place but things will work out good. Tonight we are doing a FHE at the Bhings house with like 15 people and we're cooking food for everyone. I suck at making FHE's fun haha but Elder Dansalan is way good at it so I just leave him to the making it fun part.
Love and miss you all!
Elder Rasmussen
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