June 13, 2016
Kamusta family! Thanks for the emails and deets of the week. You are looking mean in your leather next to your bike Mom, just don't get into any kind of accident you are still my Mom and I want you in 1 piece please. Sound familiar? :)
This week was crazy fast as usual and super duper hot as usual. We had tons of success this week so it was way better than the previous weeks! We had no investigators the previous weeks and it was really weighing down on us. As a companionship we made a goal to talk to as many people as we could this week. We went tracking in several new places including some really nice subdivisions (only the maids answered the door and talked to us) but because we made that extra effort to talk to people it qualified us for the companionship of the spirit. Because of our efforts we were led to several new people that are interested in the church and we are actively teaching them :) One man named Bernie was in his house next door to a house we were tagbalaying at (when you go to a house you yell "Tagbalay" to get the people to come out. Tagbalay means "house occupant") Anyhow, Bernie told us there was no one home there, so we started to walk away and I thought I should speak to that guy, but I started to hesitate, and then I got frustrated with myself for feeling awkward and hesitating and in my mind I thought "I need to go back and talk to that guy!" So I turned around and went back to talk to him and it was awesome! Bernie ended up being a really nice guy who said he wants to change his life and maybe we are just the ones to help him. It was so cool! We also found several other new investigators who live near some members and the members referred us to them. This all happened because of the Spirit guiding us to talk to the right people. It's such a great confidence builder and a great testimony builder when you absolutely know in your heart that the Spirit led you directly to the right people. And of course it's so great to have new investigators to teach again!
We are also teaching a lady named Christy who has 4 kids. The kids are cool but they are young and rambunctious and can be super disruptive during our lessons which always make it an extra challenge since it's hard to feel the spirit. But the Mom is very interested and wants to learn, so we're excited we can teach her. But we had another cool experience yesterday while we were walking to Christy's house. We had some member with us and there was a group of Jehovah's Witnesses who were out doing there thing and when they saw us they came straight over to us and the members got very nervous there would be a problem. But I spoke with the J.W.'s and talked to them and told them they were guapo ("cool"). The one dude was ready to hammer down pamphlets and doctrine on us but I just talked to them and traded our pamphlets for theirs and everyone walked away happy. I'm so glad I could show that we're definitely not out to argue with people or try and prove them wrong. So hopefully they recognized that and that will soften their hearts in the future:)
Here's the answers to your questions Mom:
#1 - What made you laugh this week? Chatting up with the other Elders in the house this week. We had some good laughs.
#2 - What was your best teaching moment? Teaching about repentance to Bernie.
#3 - What was your biggest struggle this week? Trying to teach with little kids being loud and trying to keep the spirit.
#4 - What are you studying? The Book of Mormon and the book "Faith Precedes the Miracle" by Spencer W. Kimball.
#5 - What have you been doing on your P-days that has you emailing so much later than you used to? haha no one wants to email in the morning anymore so I just have to go with them.
Today was a zone activity which was fun. Our house is always fun to be in with the 6 of us and this week we had up to 12 in our house because of zone conference. It was mine and Elder Mudrow's last zone conference. Time is flying!
Love you lots!